Thursday, May 26, 2011

Act V, Scene 3

Another Jam Packed Show.

Dystheatre Productions (prounounced Dis-Theatre...[as opposed to DAT theatre]) talked about their production of Sam Sheppard's "True West"

Vortex Rep shared their production of "Lear"

Tiana Hux, Stepanie Stevens and Adam Sultan talked about their battle 'o the bands, MC SWEET TEA AND HER HEAD BAND  VS. MISTRESS STEPHANIE AND HER MELODIC CAT

Listen to the show

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Act V, Scene 1

This was our first show of our fifth season (Act V).  Unfortunately, I (Lisa) was unable to be there due to the death of my mother on Monday.  Actually, as Stuart was giving a beautiful tribute to my Mom during the show, we were laying her to rest that... That seems Apropos to me.  So, we dedicate this show to you, Joan Scheps Fridkin.

On The show we had The Violet Crown CommunityTheater's production of Thumbelina as wells as Weird City Theatre's Musical, "A Teenager's Guide to Love"

Thank you to Susan Gayle, Queen of spoons and host of Food, Love Austin which airs on KOOP Thursdays 2:00 to 3:00.

Listen to the show.


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Act IV, Scene 103

For our last show of our fourth season (Act IV), we had Julie Gillis and Monique (Mo) Daviau from the Ladies are Funny Festival.  And on the second half of the show we were joined by the new artistic director of Tutto Theatre, Gary Jaffe as well as Leegrid Stevens and Erin Treadway.  They chatted with us about their new show, The Dudleys: A Family Game.

Listen to the Show.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Holland Taylor Interview

We had some requests to pull out Ms Taylor's interview as a separate piece.. so here it is.

Holland Taylor Interview

(right click to save)